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A manpage (short for manual page) is a form of documentation that is typically found on Unix and Unix-like operating systems. Manpages are accessed through the command line using the man command, and provide information about the usage and syntax of various command line programs, functions, and system calls.

Each manpage is divided into several sections, each of which provides specific information about the program or function being documented. For example, the NAME section of a manpage usually provides a brief summary of the program or function, while the SYNOPSIS section provides a detailed description of its syntax and options. Other common sections include DESCRIPTION, OPTIONS, EXAMPLES, and SEE ALSO.

To view a manpage, you can use the man command followed by the name of the program or function you want to learn about. For example, to view the manpage for the ls command, you would enter man ls at the command prompt. Manpages are typically written in a dense, technical style, and can be an invaluable resource for learning about the inner workings of the Unix operating system and the command line.